Модальное отображение одинаковой информации для всех ссылок

Я только что создал свой первый модал с помощью кода bootstrap, у меня есть вся информация, которую я хочу отобразить, но ссылка "читать дальше" всегда указывает на первый модал. Я понимаю, что мне придется установить каждый модал, чтобы иметь свой собственный уникальный идентификатор, я думаю, но я просто не уверен, как это сделать. Я не знаком с javascript, в который, наверное, мне придется войти, чтобы заставить это работать должным образом.

Будьте действительно благодарны за любой совет

Много Спасибо


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          <img src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
          <h5>Tracey Riddington<br>Manager</h5>
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                  <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Tracey Riddington - Manager</h4>
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                  <img class="modal-img" src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
                  <p>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member). Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.<br><br>Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).</p>

      <div class="one-fourth">
        <div class="image-bg">
          <img src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
          <h5>Kevin Lock<br>Grounds Manager</h5>
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                  <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Kevin Lock - Grounds Manager</h4>
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3 2

3 ответа:

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<div class="one-fourth">
    <div class="image-bg">
      <img src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
      <h5>Tracey Riddington<br>Manager</h5>
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              <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Tracey Riddington - Manager</h4>
            <div class="modal-body">
              <img class="modal-img" src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
              <p>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member). Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.<br><br>Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).</p>

   <div class="one-fourth">
    <div class="image-bg">
      <img src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
      <h5>Kevin Lock<br>Grounds Manager</h5>
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              <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Kevin Lock - Grounds Manager</h4>
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Я изменил ваш код.. пожалуйста, проверьте это

<div class="one-fourth">
        <div class="image-bg">
          <img src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
          <h5>Tracey Riddington<br>Manager</h5>
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                  <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Tracey Riddington - Manager</h4>
                <div class="modal-body">
                  <img class="modal-img" src="img/Tracey.jpg" alt="Tracey Riddington" />
                  <p>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member). Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).<br><br>Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).Manager of Fennes Shooting School for 25 years. Has been shooting for 33 years, coaching for 28 years and has shot for England 12 times.<br><br>Qualified CPSA Coach (Life Member) APSI (Fellow Member).</p>

      <div class="one-fourth">
        <div class="image-bg">
          <img src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />
          <h5>Kevin Lock<br>Grounds Manager</h5>
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                  <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Kevin Lock - Grounds Manager</h4>
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                  <img class="modal-img" src="img/KevinLock.jpeg" alt="Kevin Lock" />

Вы используете один и тот же идентификатор (то есть id="myModal") для обоих модалов. Обратите внимание, что id должно быть уникальным значением.

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  2. Также измените id="myModal" из второго модального на id="myModal2".

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