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Есть ли способ редактировать автора .xlsx файл из RStudio с использованием пакета xlsx
Я создаю простую рабочую книгу xlsx
wb <- createWorkbook()
sheet <- createSheet(wb,"TEST")
saveWorkbook(wb,file = "TEST.xlsx")
В авторе этого xlsx в Excel я вижу "Apache POI", как я могу редактировать это поле?
Не могу найти что-то подобное в документации для xlsx
1 ответ:
library(XML) # source workbook --------------------------------------------------------- xl <- "~/Documents/wb.xlsx" # make a copy using .zip extension ---------------------------------------- tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".zip") xl <- path.expand(xl) ok <- file.copy(xl, tmp) # unzip it and get file list ---------------------------------------------- tmpdir <- tempfile() fils <- unzip(tmp, exdir=tmpdir) # get the doc properties file (one of them anyway) ------------------------ props_file <- grep("docProps/core.xml", fils, value=TRUE) # open it ----------------------------------------------------------------- props <- xmlTreeParse(props_file, useInternalNodes=TRUE) # view some info ---------------------------------------------------------- for (tag in c("dc:title", "dc:subject", "dc:creator", "cp:keywords", "dc:description", "cp:lastModifiedBy", "cp:category")) { print(xmlValue(props[[sprintf("//%s", tag)]])) } # modify some info -------------------------------------------------------- # you can do this for any of those properties creator <- getNodeSet(props, "//dc:creator")[[1]] xmlValue(creator) <- "Mickey Mouse" # save out the modified file ---------------------------------------------- saveXML(props, props_file) # re-zip the archive ------------------------------------------------------ unlink(tmp) cur <- getwd() setwd(tmpdir) zip(tmp, basename(tmpdir)) setwd(cur) # move new xlsx to source xlsir ------------------------------------------- file.copy(tmp, paste0(file.path(dirname(path.expand(xl)), basename(tmpdir)), ".xlsx"), overwrite=FALSE) # FALSE for testing only
Проверьте это, сделав фиктивный блокнот с некоторыми свойствами документа.
Вот две функции из этого кода, одна для просмотра свойств, а другая для их задания через именованный вектор:
#' Set Excel (xlsx) document properties #' #' pass in a named vector. Names should be in this set: #' #' "dc:title", "dc:subject", "dc:creator", "cp:keywords", #' "dc:description", "cp:category" #' #' @param xl path to excel xlsx file #' @param file_props document properties to set (named vector) #' @return new filename created (this doesn't overwrite the existing since #' there's not enough error checking) #' @examples #' set_properties("path/tp/some.xlsx", #' c(`dc:title`="Cool Title", #' `dc:subject`="Cool Subject", #' `dc:creator`="Cool Creator")) set_properties <- function(xl, file_props) { require(XML) # make a copy using .zip extension ---------------------------------------- tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".zip") xl <- path.expand(xl) ok <- file.copy(xl, tmp) # unzip it and get file list ---------------------------------------------- tmpdir <- tempfile() fils <- unzip(tmp, exdir=tmpdir) # get the doc properties file (one of them anyway) ------------------------ props_file <- grep("docProps/core.xml", fils, value=TRUE) # open it ----------------------------------------------------------------- props <- xmlTreeParse(props_file, useInternalNodes=TRUE) # you can do this for any of those properties for (tag in names(file_props)) { # message(sprintf("//%s", tag)) # message(file_props[tag]) tval <- getNodeSet(props, sprintf("//%s", tag))[[1]] xmlValue(tval) <- file_props[tag] } # save out the modified file ---------------------------------------------- saveXML(props, props_file) # re-zip the archive ------------------------------------------------------ unlink(tmp) cur <- getwd() setwd(tmpdir) zip(tmp, "./") setwd(cur) # move new xlsx to source xlsir ------------------------------------------- new_fil <- paste0(file.path(dirname(path.expand(xl)), basename(tmpdir)), ".xlsx") file.copy(tmp, new_fil, overwrite=TRUE) new_fil } #' Display Excel (xlsx) document properties #' #' @param xl path to excel xlsx file #' @examples #' print_properties("path/to/some.xlsx") print_properties <- function(xl, props) { require(XML) # make a copy using .zip extension ---------------------------------------- tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".zip") xl <- path.expand(xl) ok <- file.copy(xl, tmp) # unzip it and get file list ---------------------------------------------- tmpdir <- tempfile() fils <- unzip(tmp, exdir=tmpdir) # get the doc properties file (one of them anyway) ------------------------ props_file <- grep("docProps/core.xml", fils, value=TRUE) # open it ----------------------------------------------------------------- props <- xmlTreeParse(props_file, useInternalNodes=TRUE) for (tag in c("dc:title", "dc:subject", "dc:creator", "cp:keywords", "dc:description", "cp:category")) { cat(sprintf("%16s", tag), ": ", xmlValue(props[[sprintf("//%s", tag)]]), sep="", "\n") } unlink(tmp) unlink(tmpdir) }